Comment From xTsubasa:

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Tuesday, 2 July 2013

New CPPS- TizenCPPS!

Hey guys!

xTsubasa here, with the same boring old intro!

TizenCPPS, the newest Club Penguin Private Server, is fully up and running!
So first off, this CPPS does not have a website currently.
But please remember they are still in the beta stage.
If you click their link, (provided below) it will take you straight to the game.

TizenCPPS's custom loader

Warning: this loader may cause a seizure :P
To register, simply do it in-game by clicking 'Create a Penguin' like on normal CP.

Just above the game you will see a link to TizenCPPS' Commands page. (Again, link below.) There you will find their list of Commands. (What else, porn?)
Tizen has a few of unique commands, such as transformations. So I highly recommend you read the Commands page before or during play

This CPPS offers free Nameglow and Bubblecolor, but I think this is only during the Beta stage. I'll have to double-check that later.

To change your Nameglow, say
!glow (Color hex code) For eg. !glow 0fff44
To change your Namecolor, say
!namecolor (Color hex code) For eg. !namecolor ffffff
To change your Bubblecolor, say
!bubblecolor (Color hex code) For eg. !bubblecolor 0fff44

Due to the high number of Nameglows, Bubblecolors etc, TizenCPPS will crash quite often.
In 5 minutes, I lost connection once, and the server froze once.
So just a heads-up, expect some crashing, or at very least, lag.

Overall I thought TizenCPPS was alright, but could use a few improvements. But I won't be harsh, since they are still in Beta.
xTsubasa Rating: 7
Links: Play/Register Commands

Bye for now guys!
CPPSElite Owner
Tsoftware Creator
iPenguin Owner

PS: 3600 views! Awesome!!